• Friday Update 2/7/25

    Friday Update 2/7/25




    This week I brainstormed, wrote, and turned in a short scifi story in my Maj and the Outlaws universe for an anthology coming out later this year that I’m co-editing and publishing with two friends of mine! We will be launching a kickstarter in a few months, so I’ll be yelling about it soon. The…

  • Friday Update 1/31/25

    Friday Update 1/31/25

    Praise be to the alarms that reminded me to do this. Update! This week I wrote an urban fantasy short story in my Bone Witch series for an upcoming St. Patty’s day anthology. I wrote it mostly into the dark (that is, no outline) and wrapped up at 7600 words. That was sent to the…

  • Friday Update 1/24/25

    Friday Update 1/24/25

    Ok, first thing’s first, Last Friday I didn’t update because I was traveling. I was in Vegas for the week taking an incredible number of notes on Space Opera and all of its inner workings, attempting to internalize all that lecture, and then also writing a story so I could get critique from my instructor.…

  • Friday Update 1/10/25

    Friday Update 1/10/25

    Oooh, a little late on this Friday Update because the day really got away from me. My reminder popped up at 7 and I went EEP! This week I received the first assignment for my scifi craft class. I pondered the brief over the weekend, then wrote a short story Monday/Tuesday. It’s formatted and printed…

  • Friday Update 1/3/25

    Friday Update 1/3/25




    Every year I look back on my wordcount and project totals to wrap my brain around what exactly I’ve accomplished. There are two lists here, a list of things I published and a list of things I’ve written. There is always a little bit of crossover with these lists. I often write things on a…

  • Friday Update 12/27/24

    Friday Update 12/27/24

    Last update for the year! Next week I’ll have a lovely review for you all, but this week I’m under a deadline (ugh!). Hellebore #3 is due to the editor on the 1st and as of today I’ve got three chapters left. (about 7k) I have done nothing but write (and recover from high wordcount…

  • Friday Update 12/20/24

    Friday Update 12/20/24

    This week is all about words! I’m through the opening stages of Vampire Exposed (Hellebore Court #3), just shy of 8k. Since I’m about to start chapter 4, this means Exposed will be slightly longer than the previous novella. I’m looking at a total of 25-27k to wrap it up. This is nicely within my…

  • Friday Update 11/6/24

    Friday Update 11/6/24




    Lots of movement happened this week and a bunch of things were crossed off the to-do list. First, short stories on submission: Beholder rejected from Interzone, sent to Analog Raze rejected from Azimov, sent to Interzone Lovelace still pending at Analog Next, my scifi short story for the #30 issue of Boundary Shock Quarterly is…

  • Friday Update 11/29/24

    Friday Update 11/29/24

    Happy Turkey Day to all my US friends, I hope you feasted well. Due to the holiday this week, my work hours were few right at the start. I made good progress on my Scifi short story, it’s about 2k from the end, which will be satisfying to send off to the editor. I’ve been…