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Goal Tracking: Week 1

Goals tracking!

There are three major goals I’m tracking this year for both personal and business improvement. Comment below with your goals and how you did this week.

1k words/workday:

Monday: New Year’s Holiday
Tuesday: 329
Wednesday: 1060
Thursday: 1035
Friday: 1007

Notes: Since Tuesday was the first day back after nearly two weeks off, the small wordcount doesn’t surprise me. Much of the day was spent organizing myself to start the new year instead. But after that I jumped right back into 1k/day and I’m very proud of these numbers! Starting strong.

10k steps/day

Monday: 6892
Tuesday: 6309
Wednesday: 3791 – below goal
Thursday: 7438
Friday: 5461 – below goal
Saturday: 10825 – first 10k of the year!
Sunday: 3479 – below goal

Notes: Since I’m not currently doing 10k steps on average, the goal my Garmin watch sets for me is slightly higher than the day before. There’s a calculation involved, but basically, if I beat the goal it bumps up, if I don’t it bumps down. The limiting issue with movement of any kind is my autoimmune. I can’t push too hard or I’ll trigger a flare and have to spend a week not moving much at all, so jumping straight to 10k isn’t feasible or healthy.

So, if I reach for the goal my watch sets for me, I’ll inch up toward 10k at a steady rate, and that’s what these numbers reflect. You may also notice larger numbers have led to rest days. I expect my endurance for this kind of movement will increase as I keep striving. I’m very happy to have hit a 10k day last week (We took a trip to Kansas City) and look forward to pushing my watch-goal numbers over 6k and holding them there this week.

1 completed line art/week

Notes: This week’s image is a Christmas tree based on a photo I took during a walk. I think this was a little complex for the week time-limit, but I did get it finished and I even started shading. That remains incomplete but I’m pleased with the progress I made and I’d like to go back to it if I have time other weeks.
I noticed myself getting frustrated with the repetition of the line art in this one. It’s mostly a single motif over and over and I found that dull. I need to be sure I put iPad down when it feels like a chore. Art is supposed to be fun!


Didn’t hit every goal every day, but started the year strong and I’m very pleased!

Share your goals and last week’s results below <3


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