Vampire Mated: Chapter Two

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Vampire Mated is an M/M+ instalove, why choose novella scheduled to release October 15th in the anthology Vampires In Denver. Additional partners will be added with each book. If vampires make you shiver, this anthology is for you! This novella will serialize for free on the blog Wednesday/Friday leading up to the release, but future chapters will be behind a password only available on my newsletter. Sign up and get a free copy of The Dragon Heir’s Omega, an M/M/M instalove novella with dragon shifters.

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Chapter Two

Dimitri was in the later stages of blood frenzy. That was his last coherent thought, about the same time he stepped through to the mortal world and saw Nico’s apartment door. His fangs itched and he carried such a primal, animal hunger he didn’t think anything would ever satisfy. He was starving for blood and prepared to attack and consume the first living thing he saw.

His higher decision making and logical functions had been worn away. If he’d been more aware, he never would have come here. Nico wasn’t just a human he’d fed on before, he was Dimitri’s favorite. A human who actually enjoyed what Dimitri needed. Craved it. If he’d been thinking at all, he would have stepped out of the Shade on the other side of the world. Not into the heart of Atlanta at the doorstep of the one man he’d regret killing.

But none of those thoughts ever manifested. The hunger had consumed everything but its own need. By the time Dimitri flung the door open and laid eyes on a thin, scared human, he’d known nothing but the shrieking triumph of cornering his prey.

He feasted.

The blood flowed down his throat with every heartbeat of the human pinned under him, hot and sweet and perfect. But not enough. Never enough. Dimitri struck again and again, trying to increase flow against a weakening heartbeat. Trying to wring every drop of a fading body.

He snarled his frustration.

But abruptly, in the middle of his feast, Dimitri’s all-consuming need split in two. He needed blood, more of it, faster. But also needed to fuck the closest available hole or he’d be consumed by starvation.

One of these needs could be satisfied. Some part of him recognized his human had done so before.

So the unthinking creature Dimitri had become split the human’s legs and took what he needed. He lapped at the throat of his prey, but the blood was sluggish and unsatisfying. Still, he sank his teeth into the flesh while he sank his cock in to the hilt. Nothing mattered but satisfying the starving hunger slipping through his soul. It wormed through him, cold and unfeeling. Demanding. Impossible to deny. And when Dimitri couldn’t feed the unending maw fast enough, it consumed his own flesh from the inside out.

There was only the hunger.

The broken bond that stretched between Dimitri and his Sire reformed with a physical snap of returning consciousness.

Confusion barreled through everything, blowing the hunger to one side and leaving Dimitri staring at ruined neck of a human under him. His body unconsciously moved, thrusting into a non-responsive hole on automatic.

He didn’t understand this new development. That broken bond couldn’t reform. His Sire was dead. And that meant Dimitri was about to be dead, too.

Nico moaned. His eyes fluttered.

Dimitri’s heart clenched as he finally recognized the damage he’d done to Nico’s throat. He bent close and urgently pet his tongue across the flesh, willing it to close and heal smoothly. Perfectly. He licked Nico’s throat clean and whole. Then he pressed his lips gently to Nico’s pulse and counted the beats.

They were far too slow. Dimitri hissed at himself. He’d been at the end of a blood frenzy, yes, but he’d tried to to drain Nico dry. Nico! The human who begged him to be bitten, who got off on it like no other had. A treasure of a human for a vampire.

One he’d tried to kill in his mindlessness.

One he was still cock-deep inside. That part he didn’t understand either, but feeding from Nico was usually paired with sex. He must have tied the cravings together.

Dimitri pulled himself free. He was so hard the movement made him see spots. He hissed as he did so and Nico squirmed. Dimitri rolled his human over. He pet the hair back from Nico’s eyes and scanned his neck for any other damage. He found another set of puncture marks in Nico’s shoulder and licked those closed as well. Dimitri didn’t remember most of these bites, only the all-consuming hunger. Then the frustration as Nico’s blood pressure dropped off.

He cradled Nico’s cheek and was pleased to see Nico’s eyes flutter open. “Hmmm, did you cum?”

Dimitri blinked at him. Then glanced down. Both of their bodies strained with arousal. Dimitri’s heavy cock, flushed red, against Nico’s thinner, delicate length. Nico’s cock was damp with precum.

Nico’s hand fumbled between them, grabbed Dimitri’s shaft. Squeezed the tip of him until he had to squeeze his own eyes shut and pant. “Nico. Nico, you don’t need to do this.”

“You’re so hard, Dimitri, you gotta cum.” His voice was breathy and it went right to Dimitri’s balls, already so tight they hurt. Dimitri couldn’t tell if he was panting from arousal or blood loss. “You gotta fuck me, Dimitri. I need it—“

Dimitri curled over Nico, pressing them cheek to cheek. His body shook with desire but it wasn’t the need of the blood frenzy. This he could control, and he did so ruthlessly. “Nico, I almost killed you.”

“What a way to go—“

“Nico this isn’t a joke. You must be delirious with blood loss. I don’t know how to keep a human alive like this. I don’t know what you need. A blood transfusion? Probably?”

Nico arched up against him with another breathy moan. “Dimitri,” he whispered directly into his ear. “Fuck me right now.”

Dimitri’s body obeyed. He set himself in position and pushed. Nico’s body opened for him, he arched under Dimitri’s hands and mewed for more. He demanded and Dimitri obeyed.

The Sire bond tied around Dimitri’s heart flexed and allowed him no resistance. Dimitri was lost. His Sire had died. He didn’t understand how that bond could reform, especially at a distance. Dimitri’s Sire, his entire Court, were across the divide, nestled deep in the darkness of the Shade.

But somehow that bond was intact, and in a rare gift, Dimitri felt power trickling toward him. That was highly unusual. It was the way of things for vampires to collect power through blood and send it up the chain to their Sire. Dimitri had certainly heard the flow could go the other way, but he’d never felt it before.

Another mystery on top of a dozen mysteries.

“Dimitri, focus.”

Dimitri’s attention snapped like a bullet back to Nico and their bodies. On his favorite human’s heartbeat and breath. On the way he seemed to be rallying. While Dimitri doubted the fucking was helping, who was he to deny Nico what he wanted after the way Dimitri had barged in?

He had a lot of apologizing to do and he’d start by fucking Nico into the floor if that was what he wanted.

Dimitri gripped Nico’s leg with one arm and tipped his hips up. He dug his fingers into Nico’s ass, letting his claws bite into skin the way he knew Nico liked.

His human gasped with pleasure.

Dimitri increased the pace. He pealed Nico’s legs apart as far as they’d go. He stretched, but he knew better than to apply all of his strength. Nico wanted force right up to the edge of his limits.

Normally Dimitri would have worked up to this with talking and foreplay. Negotiation. Understanding how Nico’s body was working for or against him today. A careful assessment before they engaged in anything too heavy.

They were a little past that, now. Dimitri stared at Nico’s face, watching for any sign of discomfort. He listened to his human’s heartbeat and was pleased to hear it stronger with every passing second. He thrust himself solidly against Nico’s ass and watched the way Nico’s cock bobbed and leaked with every smack.

That last part was just for pleasure. Dimitri craved the way Nico’s body responded to him. They way he cried out for more when Dimitri thought he’d reached every limit. He loved seeing Nico’s cock weep. He wanted to milk Nico dry one day without ever letting him cum, just to see if he could.

And that strange trickle of power from his Sire continued to feed Dimitri. His blood frenzy was well and truly banished. The mindless need satisfied by the restored bond. He had a wild thought that his Sire wanted him to fuck Nico—that as long as he kept fucking Nico the power would continue to trickle down.

But in that same moment Nico hissed at him. “Bite me, Dimitri. Oh, I’m so close. Bite me, bite me…”

Dimitri wanted to protest. He’d already taken so much blood. But the bond in his chest commanded and he obeyed. He snatched Nico’s wrist and sank his fangs into flesh. He didn’t suck the blood that sprang to his tongue there, fresh and sweet as if it was his first bite. Power flickered across his tongue from the blood, but it also pulsed down the bond from his Sire.

Dimiri pet his tongue across the puncture to heal it. Then bit down again.

And again.

And again.

He bit and healed and bit in a sudden uncontrollable feedback loop. A frenzy of rising power poured down the bond in a tidal wave.

Nico screamed his pleasure. He came in sticky ropes across his chest, his body flexing rhythmically around Dimitri’s. His legs shook.

Dimitri lost himself in the power. He couldn’t stop himself, his body pistoning in and out as he repeatedly bit Nico’s wrist, then finally bit and drank at the full-pressure blood he found there.

His eyes rolled. He bathed in the power. He needed nothing but this.

Nico’s voice reached him through the haze of shining energy. “Cum for me, Dimitri. Fill me up.”

The bond in Dimitri’s heart flexed and he obeyed. He curled over Nico. His body exploded with pleasure. His balls ached with the force of his climax. Every ounce squeezed out of him to fulfill Nico’s wish. Cum mixed on the floor with Nico’s blood, smeared under his body as he writhed. Dimitri’s cock flexed.

He’d never felt so relieved.

He pulled himself free. His last few pulses leaked down Nico’s hip and spent cock. Dimitri shuddered when his drooping cock touched Nico’s. He was incredibly sensitive. Like he’d been hard for three days before finally being allowed to cum. Everything felt rough, but maybe that was the blood frenzy.

He organized Nico’s limbs and sank down to the floor beside him. Not the most comfortable place they’d ever done this, but Dimitri couldn’t rustle up the energy to care just now.

He was alive. His Sire was alive, somewhere. The fresh bond between them strung so tight it felt like a guitar string, humming under tension. He’d had a taste of the kind of power his Sire experienced. Nico was alive, somehow. His favorite human in the world. And despite every reason to want Dimitri as far away as possible, he tucked himself close under Dimitri’s chin and curled up with a satisfied sigh. Dimitri wrapped his arms around Nico, thanking every god he’d ever heard of that they’d all survived.

Dimitri didn’t know what he’d do if he had come to himself too late. He tightened his grip and buried his nose in Nico’s sweaty hair. If he’d drank Nico dry, like nothing more than food, and still survived afterward, he’d….

Well if his heart screaming like a race car was any sign, it would not have gone well. Dimitri never wanted to find out what he’d do. He had a feeling it would be permanent.

He clung to Nico, both of them naked and filthy, but alive, and let himself fall gratefully into that quiet unconsciousness that wasn’t sleep. Vampires didn’t sleep, not truly, and they didn’t dream, either. But Dimitri thought he felt the edges of something whisper across his mind as he slipped away. A ghost of his Sire’s thoughts, maybe, channeled down the new bond that quivered between them.

Something about his lunch still sitting forgotten in the microwave.

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